Wednesday, May 18, 2011


It has been 4 years since I joined NIT Jalandhar fresh as a budding engineer. Over these years I have had my shares of ups and downs and learnt to fight everything with an iron fist. My best friends and worst enemies both emerged out of this pot. i have been through both the best of times and the worst of times. And today as I stand on the verge of exiting this place and kissing it 'Goodbye', a very important realisation dawned on me. It is not the place, so much as the people who made this place so special that i will miss and it is the saying goodbye to them, which is going to be the toughest part.
places come and places go but people who enter your life leave lasting impressions in your mind and some of your most cherished memories are with these people. They have cast their image in your mind and no matter how big a nuclear warhead hits you, you will never forget these memories.
These faces and the various emotions they carry, the plethora of pranks they played, the tonnes of consoling they provided in your hour of need become indelible parts of your psyche.
And so it comes to pass, that though you might feel that you are bidding these priceless souls goodbye, you are acually deep in your minds making them a more integral part of your life. By keeping them deep in your souls you are protecting them from the evils of the world outside at the same time making yourself stronger to face the challenges.
And as these thoughts pass through my head at 3.30 in the morning, I feel consoled that i am not bidding these priceless gems of my life "Goodbye" but I am just welcoming them to start a new life with me and enrich my soul once again with their almost divine like presence...

So to all my closest pals, let me tell you...This is not the end, but just the Beginning..

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